Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sweat Pink Ambassador!

I am so excited to announce that.....

The Sweat Pink movement is about inspiring people to feel strong, confident and tough no matter who you are or what you look like. You can find much more info about it on the FitApproach website.

This mean I am now connected to a wonderful group of inspirational individuals living and preaching a healthy lifestyle. I am so excited to have this opportunity to help others get inspired to do the same :)

Quoted from FitApproach :

"We believe that kicking ass is best done in pretty shoes. We’ve learned that real women sweat, and sweat hard. We know that assertiveness, strength, and ambition are the ultimate feminine qualities. We concede that sometimes it takes hours to get ready, but we’re also no stranger to just rolling out of bed and going. We’re convinced that we run faster in pink shoelaces. We believe in pushing ourselves, and we believe in giving ourselves a break, too. We’re all about the rush of endorphins and the thrill of the challenge. We’re all for looking great and feeling even better. We’re committed to finding our best fit, and making it stick."

I can't wait to get my pink laces and SWEAT PINK. I will totally be rocking them at my next race!

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